Buffalo Bills ... NFL Champions?

Imagine the Buffalo Bills winning the Superbowl. If you find that pretty hard, then imagine them winning it with their entire first-choice team sick in the hospital, and so they have to play with their second string team, a bunch of no-hopers who is backed up with a quaterback who has just been signed a day before the playoffs and has never won a professional game in his entire life. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well, that is what 'Second String' is all about.
Forget the football references, the movie has a simple underlying storyline...that never underestimate anyone, never write anyone off...because people are deemed failures not because of a lack of ability, rather a combination of external factors which all work against him. All such a person needs is the right environment to flourish, and he could exceed even your wildest expectations. Taking such a simple concept, and building a football story around it is what the director has managed to do pretty well.
I guess I already have already given out most of the story, but it was a predictable movie in any case, so the story shouldnt matter much. What most residents of the area and fans of Buffalo would enjoy would be references to locations such as Orchard Park, the Ralph Wilson stadium, among others. We may be a team who are 0-4 in the Superbowl, and it seems highly unlikely that we may get there anytime soon....but, at least in Hollywood, we rock. GO BILLS!!
Forget the football references, the movie has a simple underlying storyline...that never underestimate anyone, never write anyone off...because people are deemed failures not because of a lack of ability, rather a combination of external factors which all work against him. All such a person needs is the right environment to flourish, and he could exceed even your wildest expectations. Taking such a simple concept, and building a football story around it is what the director has managed to do pretty well.

Buffalo bills .. NFL champions .. waah kya title rakha hai ;)
@vivek: title mein ek '?' bhi hai - which isn't insignificant :-p
31st december 2006...wud be Bills last game of the coming season and Ravens are gonna kick some serious a** :)
@sumedh: hehe..lets see. last year was not a good year for all your teams...and this year may not be so different :p
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